Mass Effect 2 Loki Mech Mass Effect 2 Mech Art


Mass Effect 2 (Video Game 2010) Poster

Mass Effect 2 (2010 Video Game)

If you have Legion as a team mate on a mission or become visit him in the VI core and wait a couple of minutes he will continue to do the dance: The Robot.

If one flies to the Local Cluster and investigates Uranus, EDI will say a few humorous lines at ane's attempts to launch probes into the planet.

While doing lines that involved the Illusive Homo smoking, Martin Sheen would suck on a pen because he doesn't smoke.

When Miranda's character was originally created, she was a blonde of Scandinavian heritage, named Miranda Solheim. When Australian extra Yvonne Strahovski signed on for the office, Miranda'due south terminal name was changed to the more Australian name Lawson, and her pilus color was changed to black, which matched amend with her white and black uniform.

Comander Shepard is named after the American astronaut Alan Shepard equally he was the first American in space, only as Commander Shepard was the first human spectre.

During Miranda's loyalty mission, when she and Shepard get on an elevator, she comments why the elevator can't move faster. This is a poke at the elevators on the Citadel in the first Mass Outcome, which many fans said seemed to take a very long time to move. In addition, the elevator music from the first game tin can be briefly heard when Miranda and Shepard first board the elevator.

When checking in at the Citadel for the first time, Captain Bailey mentions that "spending a yr dead" is a common revenue enhancement contrivance. This is a reference to the book "The Restaurant At The End of the Universe" by Douglas Adams, where a famous ring manager is spending a year dead for taxation purposes.

Throughout the game, the player encounters three dissimilar kinds of mechs: FENRIS (the dog-similar mech), LOKI (the nearly mutual mech), and YMIR (the big and heavily armed mech). Each of these names are allusions to Norse mythology: Fenris the wolf, Loki the deceiver, and Ymir the frost giant.

As Shepard chases Vasir during the "Lair of the Shadow Broker" mission, a wanted affiche for Jack is displayed above a tunnel.

In the games' Overlord DLC, an announcement is made from an AI in one of the stations: "To all Cerberus personnel, in an try to reduce workplace stress, music has been approved for station-wide circulate." When 1 listens closely, the elevator music from the starting time game plays in a more ominous tone, giving a more than unsettling feeling.

In a store on Omega yous can buy a magazine called Fornax. In the game, the magazine only serves as an comeback to your cabin, and is non readable, merely in the world of fan art, it has numerous times been depicted every bit a sexually explicit mag. Game director Casey Hudson has said himself that he had e'er thought the proper noun sounded a little muddy.

WILHELM SCREAM: Heard when Zaeed blows open up the gate and the Mercenaries are thrown off the walkway past the explosion.

The Illusive Man's vocalism thespian Martin Sheen says in the Mass Effect 2 Documentary DVD that he would not trust the Illusive Man. Additionally, in an interview Martin Sheen said that he idea that the Illusive Man was a horrible man.

Volition receive upscaled graphics in the Mass Effect Legendary Edition. This was washed using AI aid, then touched upward past human work. Along with Mass Result 3 information technology volition receive the least amount of changes in the remastered trilogy.

Microsoft released this as a backward compatible championship on the 2016 N7 anniversary.

Jack was originally intended to exist pansexual, which allowed her to take a romance with female Shepard as well. However, negative reactions from Fox News forced the developers to change that late in production. In the finished game, while specific scenes involving Jack and female Shepard were removed, clues nearly her sexuality are all the same intact.

In the DLC mission "Stealing Retentiveness", a Planet of the Apes reference can be found.

Keith David and Martin Sheen have appeared in Expressionless Presidents (1995) xv years earlier.


The trivia items below may give abroad important plot points.

This is the but game in the trilogy where the player assumes control of a grapheme other than Commander Shepard. When the Collectors attack and board the Normandy, the thespian takes control of the pilot, Joker, for a curt section of gameplay.

When the first Normandy is attacked in the beginning of the game, Joker'due south impairment report of "kinetic barriers downward", "multiple hull breaches", and "main weapons offline" all bespeak the upgrades to the new Normandy that Shepard can purchase in the game. Shepard can buy an upgrade to the new Normandy'south kinetic barriers, hull armor, and main weapons.

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